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So there's this viral challenge making its way through the social media at the moment called the 10 year challenge where you post your profile picture from 10 years ago and compare it to the one of today. Now all over the internet people are posting side by side pictures, some in which there are noticeable drastic changes in appearance while others look relatively the same. And of course, you know the point being we all age differently. We all may look different after a 10 year span while others age a little bit better and look the same.
But the point is this is a golden opportunity to sprinkle some storytelling to your audience by taking this challenge a step further. And instead of just focusing on how well you aged, focus on how much your story has changed. This is an actual exercise and story prompt. I give a lot of my storytelling students to look back 10 years ago and write about what their life looked like then versus what their life looks like now. We often don't even realize or give ourselves credit for how much we've been able to do and accomplish how much we've been able to overcome and rise above in a span of 10 years.
Most all of the storytelling work I focus on is transformational stories where we share the big shifts and changes people experience that creates new realities, new awareness, and new success. If you take a few minutes to not only dig up a picture of yourself from 10 years ago, but then share the story of where you were in your life, then stand that picture and story up against who you are today.
I really challenge you to look for the transformation there. Where has there been a big change or a shift in perspective that has helped you move your life forward in a positive way? You know, everybody has junk, okay? Everybody has drama and setbacks, and those are dark pieces of our story that often set us up for the big transformations that are to come, which I like to think of as leading us into the light. What I love so much about this 10 year challenge or running around the internet is it's giving people an opportunity to not only think through their own story, even if just for a minute, but then to also share those transformations with others. When we share our own stories of transformation, we show others what is possible. It can give them hope and inspiration doing their own dark days. When you share your story, you really do shine a light.
So will you share a piece of your story? Today I'm going to be featuring this 10 year challenge trend and my online community day on Facebook. It's called the LightBeamers Community. And every Wednesday I give a specific prompt to the members there and invite them to share their story with us. So I invite you to join us over there today and share your own 10 year transformation story with us. Give it a try.
The LightBeamers community on Facebook is a safe and private group where you can practice telling your story and get more comfortable with sharing it with other people. And in case you're curious, I've posted my own 10 year challenge on my Instagram and Facebook pages today. You can find me on both channels at LightBeamers and is, of course, all one word. So be sure to drop me a comment there so that I know that you checked it out. I would love to hear from you. You know, as always, I want to remind you that your story is really important way to communicate with others. So give it a chance today. Let it shine for someone else. Have fun with it. And as always, I'll be cheering for you.
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