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I was chatting with the women in my community recently, answering their questions around sharing their story — and this one came up and I thought it was such a good one, I wanted to address it here, too!
The question was how do you put your story on repeat without feeling like you are boring your audience? 

I get asked this question a lot. Women feel uncomfortable sharing their story over and over again for fear they will turn others away, bore them to death, or begin to feel like a narcissistic broken record.
First of all, let’s remember one thing: Not everybody is listening. And even when they are listening, they are doing so in a very noisy world— in today’s digital age, information is coming at us at the speed of light and it’s hard as a consumer to wade through all the noise to find the solutions we are looking for to our problems.

If you are NOT out there putting your message on repeat, and doing so in a really clear & simple & loud way — you are getting drowned out by the noise.
Furthermore, your audience is going to watch you for a while. They need to hear you tell your story and share your message a few times before they can properly decide if you are right for them. 

The very woman who asked this question in the community admitted she’d watched me from afar for years before she joined my community and began joining my programs to get better at telling her story. It took me showing up repeatedly, talking about the storytelling over and over again — and sharing my own journey openly — before she decided I was right for her. 

You want to put your message on repeat — but what you don’t want to do is sound like a broken record. This is where storytelling in general can really serve you.

Learning to tell your story, and share your message in a variety of ways through creative storytelling will allow you to be out in front of your audience, without boring them to death. 

You can do this with story prompts — sharing every day experiences that tie back into your mission.

You can do this with client testimonials — sharing wins and transformations they experience as a result of experiencing your work.
You can do this with social media — by sharing fun behind the scenes moments of your business, that allow you to connect directly with your audience and draw them in a little deeper into your world. 

Learning to infuse your story and message into all the ways you show up— whether it’s at networking events, industry conferences, client meetings, social media, email marketing — is really important way to solidify you as the expert in your field.

If you aren’t out there sharing your story — they can’t find you. They’ll never hear your message through all the noise that exists. 

So, put your story on repeat— share it openly with others — share from a place of being in service to others and they will connect with you as a result. 

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