Profile Audits - What You Need to Know

social media Jul 01, 2019

If a complete stranger were to stumble across your information — whether it’s your LInkedIn profile, your Facebook business page, your website, or even an email that might get forwarded from a friend — would that stranger get a quick idea of who you are and what you are all about? 

In another words, are you properly telling your story on all of your channels? Is your message clear and consistent?

Here’s a quick tip for you today as you assess your marketing funnels. Ask yourself if you are using plain language — or are you trying to be cute, coy, or corporate? 

Conversational is the new professional.

Speak in plain language so your ideal audience can easily find you and understand you quickly.

Instead of trying to using fancy industry language, or high-brow prose…. just write and speak like you would if you were having a conversation with a close friend. 

Write & speak in the familial.

This may seem like such a simple and understated tip…. but I see this time and time again — people who try to get clever with their marketing that they end up loosing their audience. 

This is especially important when sharing your story. Whether it be a personal journey or a brand story you are sharing — you don’t want it to come across as too stale or impersonal…. too perfect and or precise. 

Adding in your personality and plain-speak can allow your audience to connect with you on a human level. 

My challenge for you is to give yourself an audit. Examine your social media profiles and "About Me" page on your website and ask yourself — does this person sound like someone I’d want to be friends with? Does this sound like a brand that is approachable and helpful?

If you feel like your copy is a bit too academic or filled with industry specific lingo — I’d encourage you to give it an overhaul. 

Remember, Conversational is the new Professional…. so loosen up in your email marketing, re-write your about me page, freshen up your Social Media profiles to reflect the human behind your brand.

If you need some help with this — I’d love to give your channels a quick glance. You can book a free 30-minute strategy call me —
When we have our call, we can take a look at your channels together, and I’ll give you that 3rd person perspective! 

My goal is to help you share your story in a real, and authentic way 
and to make sure the real you is coming across in the way you market yourself and your brand.


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