The Foundations of Storytelling: Your Message


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All this week, we’ve been talking about different foundational type stories that are ideal to share with your audience…. stories that really help you share a bit more about you, and will help you create connections with those who follow along.

The first is Your Origin Story. The 2nd is your Transformation Story.

If you’ve missed either of those flash briefings, click the links to see the transcripts Your Transformation StoryYour Origin Story

Today is the final installment of the Foundations of Storytelling — and it’s your Message. This is what I like to call, “what you now know for sure” story. 

This is probably the most connected story you have as it relates to your business or your mission… because this is the story you are sharing on a regular basis. 

When you look back on your Journey — all the trials and tribulations, all the hardships and all the success… what is it you really know for sure about the business you are in? 

How does this relate to your audience? Why is it important for them to hear you share this message?

In most cases, your message is offering some sort of solution…. or sense of hope…. or roadmap for them to follow. Your message is like that lighthouse beacon on a dark stormy night. 

Here’s where storytelling can really benefit you because you don’t want to just sell products or pimp out your services….. you want to focus instead on how YOU’ve personally experienced these solutions and roadmaps and have they’ve played a part in the lessons you’ve learned along the way. 

Imparting this wisdom, these lessons you’ve learned, and the message you now have for others can lead people straight to your services and products. 

So you have Origin Story, Transformation, and Message… when you put all 3 of these together, they make up your entire Story Arc…. so for those of you who struggle figuring out which pieces of your story you should share — these are it. This is all you really ever need. 

The important part in all of this is to infuse your personality and your emotions into this…. You offer a unique perspective and it’s important you share a bit of who you are with your audience so they can not only glean your wisdom, but also see themselves in you, too! 

Let me know how these tips are helping you — leave me a message, or send me an email. I always love hearing from the listeners. My email is [email protected] â€¨â€¨

Share with me your storytelling wins, or let me know where you are stuck. I’d love to record a lesson just for you if you need it!


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