The 7 Sparks of Visibility EP: 118

Dec 21, 2022

There are numerous ways to 'get visible' with your story. And on today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, I’m giving you 7 fire-cracker ways to amp up your visibility, increase your impact, and build your authority. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in; if you want to stand out, your visibility should be at the top of your priority list.

Before the year ends, take a quick assessment of these 7 areas and find out where the gaps are in your business. Then let's make a plan and fill those gaps in 2023!

Listen in as I discuss:

  • The 7 pillars of visibility and what you can do for each area
  • How these 7 pillars can give you the kind of visibility you’ve been looking to implement for your business
  • My very own TICS Formula, which you can use to share your story and connect with your audience

The new year is just around the corner. Make a commitment to increase your visibility and expand your reach by sharing your story through the seven areas we discussed today. Remember: y...

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Your Story is an Onion EP: 117

Dec 14, 2022

I’m here to remind you today that you – yes, YOU – have a story to tell and the world needs to hear it.

But sharing your story is not an easy thing to do, and I’d be the first to admit that I’ve had moments where even thinking of what story to share was difficult for me. What do I talk about? Will my story resonate with my audience? Do I really have something to share?

You do – and you only need to peel back the layers to get to the heart of your story.

Join me today as I share with you:

  • A little inside story about my own experience of self-doubt and thinking that my stories are useless and boring
  • How my grandma and an AM radio show influenced my love for stories
  • The different spaces where you may find yourself on your storytelling journey and the ultimate place you want to get to
  • How stories are like an onion with layers that you need to peel back in order to get to the ones that are at the core of your being

No matter where you are on your storytelling journey, I am wi...

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Building the Millionaire Matriarchs with Merel Kriegsman EP: 116

Dec 07, 2022

There are so many societal beliefs passed on from generation to generation, and a lot of them have to do with abundance and the money mindset. But not all of these beliefs lead to a positive outcome. A lot of times, they hinder us from achieving our fullest potential and living our best lives.

Today, as we begin the third season of The Inside Story Podcast, we’re talking to Merel Kriegsman, a business mentor who intentionally made the decision to change her life and break free from generations of underearning and finally live a life of abundance.

There are so many takeaways from my conversation with Merel, so I invite you to listen as we talk about:

  • Her background coming from a long line of powerful and gifted women but who were struggling financially
  • How she promised her unborn daughter that she would end the cycle of generational underearning
  • Her decision to give up a 10-year career in music to become a coach who inspires people
  • Positioning herself as a copywriter at first
  • ...
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The Snake Oil of Marketing with Dan Russell EP: 115

Nov 30, 2022

When you’re a small business owner or a solopreneur, there are so many challenges you need to face when it comes to marketing. Some of these are your budget, the kind of marketing strategy to implement, the time constraints, and even the type of agency or person you need to get on board to help you with what you need. All of this can become so … overwhelming.

Enter Dan Russell. Dan is the author of the book Snake Oil: Genuine Marketing in an Age of Cure-Alls, and he takes us back to the basics of marketing and helps us focus on the more important areas.

I invite you to join me and Dan today, as we talk about:

  • Running a marketing agency for nine years and developing an intuition for marketing campaigns that work
  • How “baffling” and “overwhelming” the marketing industry has become – and how it all comes back to the basic principles of marketing
  • Why figuring out your core messaging is the starting point for any marketing strategy
  • Dan’s message of encouragement and his marketing ...
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The BEST of The Inside Story EP: 114

Nov 23, 2022

After more than two years and more than a hundred episodes of The Inside Story Podcast, I’ve gotten firmer in my belief that everyone has a story and that storytelling is an important piece of the human experience.

And since we started the podcast, I’ve talked to and interviewed inspiring people who openly shared their stories with us, and I’ve also thrown in a few stories of my own, plus some tips and tricks on how to get you started on your own storytelling journey.

So join me today as we rediscover the BEST of The Inside Story Podcast, and listen to snippets from the top 5 episodes:

  • The Inside Story with April Pertuis EP: 001
  • Cancer, Covid, Courage, and Creativity with Ros Banksia-Smith EP: 005
  • The Long Game with Sandra Scaiano EP: 003
  • Story is All Around You EP: 026
  • Boobless and Fabulous with Lacey Marie EP: 006


Thank you to everyone who has been supporting the show since day 1! I appreciate you all so much and I hope you stick around for more inside stories.


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Embrace Pain to Avoid Suffering with Brian Bogert EP: 113

Nov 16, 2022

When I meet people who blow me away with their stories and the way they use them to shine a light for others, I’m compelled to share them with everyone in my community because we can learn so much from them.

Such is the case with Brian Bogert. Brian is a professional coach, motivational speaker, business strategist, and leader. His mission is to help individuals achieve the best version of themselves by becoming more aware and more intentional – and therefore, more authentic. His strategy -- embrace pain to avoid suffering -- has helped people create for themselves a life with no limits.

Brian has an amazing story, and I invite you to tune in today as he talks about:

  • The idea of embracing pain to avoid suffering and how this can help you connect with your most authentic self
  • The story that shaped his life and led to the core concept of what he teaches
  • The 4 roots of internal suffering and how sharing your story can help alleviate the pain
  • How the trash from your past is keep...
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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Breaking Down the Walls with Beth Jones EP: 112

Nov 09, 2022

Trauma often leaves one overwhelmed, sometimes unable to move forward, and often afraid of facing what caused the undesirable experience. But there’s a way of recovering from it and releasing it in order to become whole again, and that is through the healing power of storytelling.

Beth Jones is one of the women authors in the second LIGHTbeamers collaborative book, Step Into Your Brave. She is sharing her story as a trauma survivor, hoping to shine a light for others and help them start their own healing.

Join me and Beth today, as she and I talk about: 

  • The interesting parallel between what she does for a living doing forensic accounting and what she’s been doing on her journey to personal healing
  • The different types of fear that come with putting your story out there in a big way, and how Beth channeled those fears to bring about healing instead
  • The healing process she underwent and her understanding that part of her purpose is to inspire trauma survivors to also go on thei...
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From the Hood to the White House to Multi-million Dollar Success with Rebecca Contreras EP: 111

Nov 02, 2022

When someone goes from the hood to the White House and ultimately has multi-million dollar success, you know there’s bound to be more than a few inside stories there that will just blow your mind.

Rebecca Contreras went from hitting her lowest of lows to reaching amazing success -- the kind that so many of us also dream of. Her book, titled “Lost Girl”, details this journey and shows the reader the kind of perseverance and faith Rebecca had to get to where she is today.

Tune in to today’s episode as Rebecca and I talk about: 

  •    The first chapter of her book, which takes you straight to how it feels to grow up in a “crazy and dysfunctional family”
  •    Her incredible, life-changing experience working at the White House, and the power of surrounding yourself with people who believe in you
  •    Her journey as an entrepreneur and taking the plunge to leave her work despite the odds
  •    The importance of paying it forward and how she’s doing it with her program, Girls of Legacy
  •    F...
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Writing About Dad EP: 110

Oct 26, 2022

It’s such a special week on The Inside Story Podcast!! Our second LIGHTbeamers collaborative book, STEP INTO YOUR BRAVE, was released yesterday on Amazon!! And in a matter of a few hours, we reached #1 status, and it feels amazing to be able to share this journey with all of you.

In today’s episode, I’m putting the spotlight on my own experience writing for this book and choosing to write about my father. It’s definitely not something I thought I’d ever share publicly, much less write about in a book. But looking back now, I know that this is exactly what I was meant to do.

So tune in and sit with me as I share with you:

  •    The inside story of my chapter in the book, where I may have written about my dad but really shared my OWN story
  •    The reasons why so many others choose not to tell their story, plus the reasons why we all should
  •    The scripture verse that has been my guide in serving this community, that I hope will inspire you, too

There’s power in storytelling. It ...

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Focus on Healing with Amber Wells EP: 109

Oct 19, 2022

We’re less than a week away from the launch of our LIGHTbeamers collaborative book, Step Into Your Brave, and we’re very excited!! The female authors who are part of this book show us different faces of courage with their stories, and it’s amazing to get to know them all.

Today on the podcast, I’m bringing into the spotlight Amber Wells. Amber is an international entrepreneur, founding owner of She Companies, Inc. and a self-care journaling subscription box called Big Girl Pantees. Her journey to becoming an author has not been an easy one, which makes the release of Step Into Your Brave all the more meaningful.

Listen in on my conversation with Amber, as she and I talk about:

  • Her being part of the first book, Elevate Your Voice, but ending up publishing her story in the second book, Step Into Your Brave
  • How her lifelong dream began to look like a nightmare, and the self-doubt that came with not being able to finish what she had started
  • The healing she needed in her relations...
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