Outsourcing: Is it good or bad? EP: 088

May 25, 2022

If there’s one thing I can mention that’s crucial to business growth, it would be outsourcing. But there are so many facets to this process that a lot of entrepreneurs dismiss the idea of outsourcing -- even before they understand how it can actually take a big load off their shoulders and help scale their businesses!

So if you’ve been mulling over the idea of outsourcing but have questions on how to go about it, this is the episode for you. Plus, I give you a couple of resources to get you started on your outsourcing journey!

Listen in as I share with you:

  • How my business looked and the different struggles I had before outsourcing
  • The mistakes I made when I first hired virtual assistants – and how I figured out what I needed to do to fix them
  • Why creating a partnership with your team and having clear communication are key pieces in maintaining a good, working environment
  • How outsourcing got me into my queen bee role that allowed me to make big shifts in my business
  • The dif...
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From Burnout to True Transformation with Ashley Reed EP: 087

May 18, 2022

Overworking ourselves beyond breaking point will never guarantee success. In fact, it might even become a deterrent to achieving goals by causing burnout – something that is now considered a disease by health experts. So how do we escape this cycle, find our focus again, and re-center? 

Ashley Reed has always been a high performer and built a successful career as a Marketing Executive for some well-known brands and companies. But when she found herself exhausted to a point that almost cost her her life, she knew she had to reset internally to find true balance and freedom.

Ashley and I had an enlightening conversation, and we invite you to listen in as we talk about:

  • How she was living a great life – but it wasn’t HER life
  • What happened when burnout happened, and how she stopped “swimming upstream” and cleared the clutter surrounding her to focus inward
  • Experiencing unconditional love and acceptance for herself, and how this changed her relationship with others for the better...
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Creating an Atomic Habit EP: 086

May 11, 2022

“Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.”

If you’ve read James Clear’s book Atomic Habits, you’d know that its popularity and success comes from it being a really practical and useful guide on how to form good habits – even small ones – that can give you big results. 

For those who haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of the book, and see how it can give you the motivation you need to change your life and reach for success.

Join me today on The Inside Story Podcast as I share with you:

  • The habits I’ve created from reading this book
  • What I did during the course of my 100-day journey to create good habits
  • How you can start creating atomic habits that can forge a powerful change in your life

If you’ve started creating good habits but can’t seem to make them last more than a few days, this is a book for you to read. And if you’ve read it before, maybe this is a sign for you to read it again. Achieving health goals, financial...

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5 Ways to Grow your Audience & Share Your Story EP: 085

May 04, 2022

I see and speak to so many of you who want to up-level your storytelling skills and grow your audience, because you know that this is how you build your business. But the thing is, you have no idea how to go about it and you don’t know where to begin!

Today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast tackles the 5 core areas of Visibility that are key to your development, growth, and exposure as a storyteller & leader. If you want to enhance your storytelling skills, grow your audience, AND build your business, then this episode is for you!

So I invite you to join me as I talk about:

  • The 5 things you can do today to increase your visibility -- and I explain each in detail!
  • A special invitation to join me for a workshop on Speaking this coming May 5 and 6

 Like I always say: your story matters. And I’ve just given you 5 concrete ways to ensure that you’re maximizing your visibility and giving your story the chance to impact those around you. All you need to do is to take that firs...

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Reclaiming Joy in an Overworked World with Alyson DeMaso EP: 084

Apr 27, 2022

When you work in an industry that promotes beauty, it can sometimes become difficult to distinguish between looking beautiful and BEING beautiful.

Alyson DeMaso thought she was living the perfect life, until a series of events forced her to look deeper and evaluate what was really happening in and around her. She eventually launched Raising Beauty, where she helps people reclaim their power and joy from their overworked life, through Conscious Living & Leadership.

Join me and Alyson today as she and I talk about:

  • How curiosity led her to rise up the ranks, working the beauty industry
  • What she believed to be the definition of success at that time and her formula for being successful
  • The powerful words her daughter said to her, and how it changed her life
  • How the idea of Raising Beauty came about, and why truly living with joy is an important part of what she advocates
  • What’s coming up for Alyson and Raising Beauty in the very near future

We get to a point in time where we...

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How to Pull Stories from Other People EP: 083

Apr 20, 2022

My firm belief is that we all have an important story to tell, and if you’ve been in our Community long enough, you know I teach people how to share their stories and how to share them effectively.

But in last week’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast where I answered questions from members of our Community, someone asked if I can share insights on how I draw stories out of others. 

I briefly touched on the subject last week, and today, I’m giving you a rundown of some tips and strategies you can use to pull stories from other people.

In today’s episode, I cover: 

  • What you need to be and what you need to do to draw stories out of others
  • The two types of questions you need to ask
  • How the Story Formula can help you formulate questions that will allow others to share their stories more easily with you

Practice what you learned today on the show and I guarantee it will change the way you communicate with others. This will help improve not just the way you create nurturing re...

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Community Q’s / April Answers! EP: 082

Apr 13, 2022

What do you do when you completely miss creating a plan for your podcast episode that’s set to be released in 2 days? Well, you run to your friends -- aka your Community -- and ask them for help!!

And that’s exactly what I did! Having no specific topic for this week’s episode, I decided to make it interactive by having friends ask me questions that I would answer on the show. So I turned to the LIGHTbeamers Community, told them what was happening and what I intended to do, and boy oh boy, did I get some fantastic Qs!!

So I invite you to join me today as I answer questions ranging from how to handle pressure to what’s the best thing about our family’s recent move … truly a mixed bag of nuts!!

Here are the contributors to this week’s episode, and their Qs:

  • Ashley DeLuca asks: how do you handle the pressure to do all the things? (Timely? I know!!)
  • Rachel Marie Nelson wants to know: why the color yellow?
  • Another one from Rachel: how do you draw stories out of others?
  • Leanne Smi...
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Behind the Scenes of a Book Launch EP: 081

Apr 06, 2022

It’s an extra special day over here!!

Today is the official launch day of ELEVATE YOUR VOICE -- the first-ever LIGHTbeamers collaborative book!

After months of writing and working on promoting the book, this day has finally come. Along the way, I’ve featured some of the women who have written chapters for the book on this podcast, and in today’s episode, it’s my turn. I’m giving you some behind-the-scenes look at MY OWN journey: from initial talks about the project to writing my story … up until the day I held a copy of the book in my hands.

So tune in and sit with me as I share with you:

  • How the project started out when I first talked to our publisher, Lannete Pottle, and its evolution into the book we are launching today
  • Why it was necessary for me to create a safe space for the women joining the program
  • The experience of putting my own story on paper -- and reading the first draft I wrote for the book
  • The whole growth experience, and the challenging but at the same time ...
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Community Highlights: Make Kind Loud with Louisa Garrett EP: 080

Mar 30, 2022

Community Highlights is a series I do on The Inside Story Podcast to showcase the amazing LIGHTbeamers who shine their light for others. And one of those people is Louisa Garrett, who is doing what she can to spread love and sow kindness out in the world.

But Louisa would be the first to tell you that being kind didn’t always come easy to her. In fact, 10 years ago, kindness was something she didn’t practice, and sarcasm was her norm.

So what changed?

Louisa shares her journey with me today, and I invite you to listen in as she and I talk about:

  • The type of person she was before, always ready to dish out comebacks and clapbacks
  • How her 15-year old niece became the voice in her head that urged her to re-think actions
  • Starting her movement #MakeKindLoud with the belief that everyone is a good person at their very core
  • How the events of 2020 made her dig deeper to find her real purpose in life
  • Why showing up every single day matters in making an impact on someone
  • Knowing “wh...
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How to use Storytelling in the Digital Age EP: 079

Mar 23, 2022

You always hear me say that storytelling is impactful. If you want to grow your business, build community, and cultivate a great relationship with your audience, storytelling is key.

But just how critical is it for you to actually have a storytelling plan of action in place in today’s digital age? What can you do to give yourself the best chance of success when it comes to telling your story?

I'm sharing my go-to ways to infuse storytelling into the nooks and crannies of your online presence and business. Tune in today as I discuss:

  • The characteristics of a good storyteller
  • What you don’t want to do when it comes to sharing your story
  • Five ways to become better at storytelling

If you’d like a safe place where you can begin your storytelling journey, head over to the LIGHTbeamers Community on Facebook, and take your cue from our story prompts!

You can also send me a DM on Instagram at @lightbeamers if you’d like to know more about storytelling! I'd be more than happy to co...

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