# 1 Rule of Storytelling: Know Your Audience

Jan 18, 2019

The first step of storytelling is knowing your Audience.

Knowing who you are talking to will help inform you on the type of story you share, and the details you need to include.

So many people ask me, “How do I know what’s relevant— which parts of my story should I share?” — and the answer is tied up in “who are you talking to?” — What parts of your story would your audience be interested in? What is relevant to them?

Too many people share their story and quickly get off on a tangent of details that, honestly, nobody really needs to know!  Going off the rails like this makes your story all about you. Remember, your story — and the whole reason you are sharing it — is to make it about your audience.

Knowing who you are talking to will inform you on the types of details you need to share. Asking yourself this simple question: “Does my audience need to know this; Is it relevant to them?"— will help you...

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