If we look at the person we used to be and who we are now, I’d say one of the things that would be different is our ambition – or level of ambition. For a lot of us, it’s more likely that our ambitions change or even diminish over the years, and this could be due to a number of reasons.
But what does ambition really mean? Why are so many people conflicted about whether being ambitious is a good or bad thing? Should we have more ambitions in life, or less? In a recent event I attended hosted by bestselling author and high performance coach Brendon Burchard, one of my biggest takeaways was the need for us to raise our ambitions.Â
Today on the show, I talk more about ambition, and invite you to join me as I share with you:
For the first time, I’m digging into human design. It’s a specific way to learn more about your personality, emotions, and energy centers, and today on the show, I’ve invited someone who can help me – and YOU! – understand human design better and how it can help different areas of our lives.
Danielle Laura is an internationally acclaimed spiritual advisor, seer, and human design & gene keys energetics expert for conscious thought leaders, healers, entrepreneurs, and celebrities around the globe. Her mission is to “ignite more embodied leaders” who will positively impact the world in the most fulfilling way.
If you’re even a little bit curious about how human design works and what it means, tune in as Danielle and I discuss:Â
I live and breathe storytelling. This is because in all my years as a journalist and now as your chief LIGHTbeamer inside the Community, I have not seen anything quite as powerful as storytelling when it comes to connecting people, growing businesses, and inspiring an audience.
But as much as storytelling has become a real strategy these days, not everyone knows what to do with it. And a huge part of this is not knowing and understanding that storytelling is a journey – one that involves different stages.
So join me today as I share with you:
Storytelling is like a muscle; it gains strength when it is exercised. So go ahead and strengthen your storytelling skills by practicing every chanc...
People share their stories in different ways. Some do it on the big stage, others do it through podcasts (like this one!), and still others do it through books. And then there are those who do it through the lens of a camera and also help others share their stories through photography.Â
Lisa Haukom is a story-based self-portrait photographer who brings your unseen moments to life through lifestyle and portrait photography. Based in the Pacific Northwest, she provides virtual and photography services to her interior, lifestyle, and brand clients using their iPhone cameras.
Lisa shared so many wonderful insights, so I invite you to listen in as we talk about:
One of the things I get excited about when I join speaking events is meeting new people. And our guest today on the podcast is one of those women I recently shared the stage with and got to know at a women’s conference. Her story and what she does moved me – so much so that I had to get her on the show to talk about her mission.
Susie Vybiral is a L’Oreal Paris Woman of Worth 2022 National Honoree, recognized for her selfless dedication to giving abused children a fresh start. She also aims to break the cycle of abuse, and how she does it is nothing short of amazing.
Susie is such an inspiration, and I invite you to listen in on our conversation as we discuss:
One of the biggest joys of my job is seeing women cross the finish line to their big, hairy, scary goals… and using their story as a centrifugal force to help them along the way!
Becky Burroughs first became an author when she wrote a chapter in our collaborative book last year called Elevate Your Voice.
This week, her first solo endeavor as a published author comes to fruition with her book, Come Back Home to You.
I’m so excited to have Becky again on the podcast, and I invite you to join us today as we talk about:
Entrepreneurs like you and me are constantly looking for ways to grow our business. We look at different strategies we can implement to attract our ideal clients and bring in more revenue. But something that’s often overlooked is speaking your way to gain new customers for your business.
Speaking has a domino effect that can positively impact your business. It is something that has really allowed me to grow LIGHTbeamers. And while I constantly talk about it as a business-building strategy, many are still skeptical and even nervous about using public speaking to scale their businesses.
I invite you to listen in today as I share with you:
It goes without saying that speaking is one of the be...
On World Storytelling Day, I went live on Facebook to talk about – what else? Storytelling, of course! I’ve mentioned time and again how sharing our stories has been an essential part of communicating with one another and, more importantly, connecting with each other. It has always been an important part of community and humanity, and even more so today.
But if you’re new to storytelling, you might have hesitations and questions you want answered before you begin your journey. And because I got great Qs when I went live, I’m sharing them with you today, hoping you get the encouragement you need to take that first step towards becoming a storyteller.
Here are some of the questions I answer and the things I talk about:
It’s not easy being an entrepreneur. Everything depends on you, and you have to think carefully and weigh each decision you make for your business. And what can also be tricky and difficult is not always having someone to talk to about your plans and ideas. In fact, it can be really challenging.
Enter Masterminds. I’ve joined a few in the last couple of years. And as I have just gotten back from attending a Mastermind event, let me tell you: being part of a Mastermind is one of the best things I’ve done for myself and for my business.
So join me today on the show as I share with you:
I believe in the power of community. And that’s how I look at and approach being part of a mastermind: belonging to a community of individuals committed to growth and continuous im...
There are almost one million women who become widows each year in the US. And the grief of losing a spouse can overwhelm anyone to the point of not knowing how to pick up the pieces and start over again.
When today’s guest, Natalie Reid-Knutson, went on a Colorado expedition with her husband and their three sons, little did she know that it would be their last. The tragedy that hit their family two days after they returned home brought a different kind of grief to Natalie, and how she found a way to live life again to the fullest is nothing short of extraordinary and inspiring.
Listen in as Natalie shares with us:
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