In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, we often find ourselves caught in a relentless cycle of trying to do it all, tirelessly juggling multiple responsibilities without pausing to recharge or find balance. However, this constant hustle can take a toll on our well-being, leading to burnout.
Marianne Smith, well-known in the online coaching space as The Entrepreneur’s Therapist, helps high performers create sustainable peace in their relationships, businesses, and lives. She specializes in working with the unique challenges that leaders and entrepreneurs face mentally, relationally, and in business and has created six-figure businesses of her own in the spaces of both coaching and therapy.
Join me and Marianne as we sit down to have some real talk about:Â
What does it mean to be truly rich? A lot of us would probably define wealth based on possessions and other external factors, but is that all there is to it? Will all the riches in the world make you happy, so to speak?
Today on the show, we’re talking to Intuitive Mindset and Business Coach, Johanna Gardner. For Johanna, true wealth lies within, something that can never be taken away. But it took a lot of difficult and heartbreaking experiences before she got to this understanding, and she has spent the last decade focused on understanding internal richness.
Johanna’s story is nothing short of inspiring, so join us today as we talk about:
Embracing the idea that your story can genuinely help others learn and grow is a powerful motivation to share it with the world. Like I always say, when you share your story, you shine a light. Because, really, your story has the power to inspire, encourage, and offer solace to those who may be going through similar circumstances.
And yet, so many stop themselves from sharing their story, thinking they will appear so full of themselves. But choosing not to share your story simply because you believe it's about you would be a disservice to both yourself and others, and I’m here to talk about that today.
So join me as I talk about:
When you approach storytelling with the intention of shining a ligh...
Forging genuine relationships and connections is important for success, and this is true even in business. Having connections is more than simply exchanging business cards or engaging in superficial conversations. Building real relationships goes beyond transactional exchanges; it involves understanding others, actively listening, and showing authenticity.Â
Today’s guest, Ben Albert, is an online marketer turned business owner who realized the power of real connections when he started his own business. He now hosts a network of five podcasts called Real Business Connections and runs a massively successful marketing firm, Balbert Marketing.
My conversation with Ben is so inspiring, and I invite you to join us today as we talk about:
When we talk about self-promotion, we talk about the ability to engage in meaningful conversations about ourselves with others, enabling us to build connections and establish genuine relationships. By developing this skill, we create an environment where people feel comfortable opening up and sharing their own stories with us. It may not be easy, but self-promotion is something we need to practice to gain confidence and increase our self-worth.
Adera Angelucci, who was previously a guest host on this show (check out episode 139 where she takes over The Inside Story Podcast!!), is back again and talks about self-promotion and becoming comfortable sharing yourself with the world.
It’s always a pleasure having Adera on the show, so I invite you to listen in as we discuss:
Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon characterized by persistent self-doubt, and it’s a common experience that affects individuals from all walks of life. But it particularly manifests itself among women who aspire to make a difference in the world. Women who are driven to create positive change often find themselves grappling with imposter syndrome, which can hinder their progress and hold them back from reaching their full potential.
Today on the show, we tackle this issue with growth strategist and holistic therapist Lexi Soulios and discuss how much imposter syndrome affects us, and what we should do to push through this thinking and succeed.
Join me and Lexi today as we talk about:
Women's health encompasses a broad spectrum of physical, mental, and social well-being, and along with it also comes the issue of chronic pain. This is a complex condition that can significantly impact an individual's daily life, both physically and emotionally, and I know because I’ve been dealing with it since childhood.
My friend and today’s guest Carissa Floyd has been through the same, dealing with illnesses such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and endometriosis. But she found a way to understand her pain, manage her conditions, and improve her quality of life, and now guides her clients in their journey toward mind, body, spirit connection through Pilates.
There’s so much we can learn from Carissa’s story, so I invite you to listen in as she and I talk about:
I think anybody will agree with me when I say that life is a journey that’s full of ups and downs. While the highs are easy to embrace, the lows can be quite difficult. However, it’s important to navigate through these low points if we are to grow and move forward.
I recently found myself in one of the many valleys of life, and along with the experience came a myriad of feelings I had to allow myself to feel and acknowledge in order to come to terms with everything that was happening.Â
I’m sharing with you my own inside story today, and I invite you to listen in as I discuss:
The Camino de Santiago, also known as the Way of St. James, is a famous pilgrimage route in Europe that leads to the shrine of the apostle St. James the Great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain. Pilgrims embark on the Camino for various reasons, such as seeking spiritual growth, self-discovery, or simply enjoying the adventure and camaraderie of the journey.
My friend and our guest today on the podcast, Lisa Corrado, is currently on her Camino de Santiago journey. I caught up with her as she was taking a few days off from her walk, and learned more about what this pilgrimage means to her, and what it has done for her.
I invite you to join me and Lisa today as she shares with me:
I enjoy meeting people who love storytelling as much as I do. Even more so if they’re the kind who are willing to take over my podcast, put me on the hot seat, and let me share my own inside stories!!
Adera Angelucci is the co-founder, director, and producer of the award-winning video and marketing company, SPIRO Creative. SPIRO brings exceptional people and brands to life through video storytelling and marketing. Adera is a kindred spirit, and today she takes over the show!
This was such a fun episode to do, so I invite you to listen in as Adera asks me some really interesting questions and we talk about:
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