Storytelling is a powerful tool.
When done with intention and purpose, telling your story can help you heal from past traumas, hurts, and experiences you'd rather forget. It allows you to release the feelings and energy associated with an experience. And it lets you move out of that space of isolation, which we retreat to when we keep our stories to ourselves.
But how do you begin this process and journey of healing? Where do you start? How do you even identify what stories you need to tell for you to heal?
I invite you to listen to today's episode of The Inside Story Podcast as I share with you:
I'm inviting you to do this work with me: to begin looking at your stories and knowing how they can be used in a positive way.
And if you ...
When someone has a career in the same industry for over 30 years, they are worth a closer look! This is a person who has stamina, passion, and a whole-lotta wisdom to share!Â
Let me introduce you to Phyllis Pieri - a franchising expert who helps people start, build, and buy franchises. But there is so much more to this story than just business (there always is!) -- Phyllis knows exactly where this passion comes from, and much of it was instilled in her at a very young age.Â
Phyllis also has a big heart for helping more women start their own businesses (using the franchise model), for as you'll read below, her story took her down the path of single momhood and owning her own business is something that saved her during a difficult time!Â
Inside our Community, we've watched Phyllis show up on message over again -- there's no question she knows what she's talking about and the passion she carries for her work is palpable.Â
These are the people we love spotlighting on our blog!Â
“Wake up and be AMAZING!!”
If you’ve been in my Community long enough, you’ve probably seen or even heard these words more than just a few times in our space. And this wonderful line that carries so much positive energy with it always comes from our resident motivator, Trainer Dane Boyle.
Trainer Dane is a life coach and personal trainer who aims to empower Gen Xers to rediscover their purpose and passion. He believes that confidence, self-care, and self-esteem are what we need for us to live our best lives.
Join me and Trainer Dane today on the podcast as we talk about:
I find it fascinating when I meet women who have turned their weaknesses into strengths, because their transformational stories are ones that inspire, encourage, and impact others in a big way.
Skincare and wellness advocate Stephanie Talia joined the LIGHTbeamers Community to learn storytelling and use it to reach and help more people. And two years later, I’m proud to introduce Stephanie as one of the women who answered my call to step into their brave and share their stories through a collaborative book project.
Today’s episode is the first in a series of interviews with the women of the LIGHTbeamers Author Program -- 15 individuals ready to share their stories to let other women know that they are not alone on their journey.
Join me and Stephanie as we talk (and laugh -- a lot!) about:
Storytelling has always been an important part of our whole human experience. It’s how we connect with people, build relationships, and make sense of what is happening to us and around us.
But it’s not always easy to tell our story. And we don’t always know how to tell our story in a way that will get our audience to listen and understand what we want to share.
So how do we do it? What kind of storytelling should we be doing for us to engage our audience?
Tune in to today’s episode as I share with you:
Learning how to structure your story and share it in a way that can capture your audience are key pieces in strategic storytelling. I invite you to start practicing this today because it's going to take a lot of work and dedication. But I tell you, the reward will be great -- for in sharing your story, you become a light for tho...
Have you ever wanted to become a speaker? A writer? Where are you on your journey to becoming the speaker or writer you’ve always wanted to be? Have you even taken the first step to fulfilling your dream?
On today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, I’m sharing with you my thoughts and my own inside stories on what it really takes to become a writer and speaker.
Join me as I talk about:
Sharing your story through the written or spoken word is an important part of building and strengthening your community. Whether you want to be a writer or speaker -- or even both!! -- dedicate yourself to your craf...
Our guest today on the podcast is one of those people I easily gravitated towards because I knew there were so many stories behind this incredible force of nature and his journey.
George Bryant is a digital marketing guru, and one who places relationships above all else. In fact, his trademarked slogan is RELATIONSHIPS BEAT ALGORITHMS and in his program, you’ll find him teaching the power of relationship-building in marketing, but how he got to this point in his career and how he came about teaching what he does is part of what he’s sharing with us today.
I invite you to join me and George as we uncover:
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”
If you know of Brené Brown, then you know that her TEDx talk The Power of Vulnerability pushed her into the limelight, because she spoke of what it takes to connect deeply with the people around you and to bring out the best in you: being vulnerable.
But what does vulnerability really mean? What happens when you allow yourself to become vulnerable? How does it relate to sharing your story, and what does it feel like after you’ve given people a glimpse of who you really are?
In today’s episode of The Inside Story podcast, I talk about:
What does it mean to go against what’s expected of you? Is it rebelling just to oppose, or is it rebelling to find the real you, your passion in life, and the purpose you were meant to serve?Â
Jetty Nieuwenhuis is The Rebel Influencer, an advocate for living with integrity to who you really are, embracing your uniqueness, and owning your story on your way to becoming the person you were always meant to be.
Join me and Jetty today as we talk about:
Jetty’s story is a testament to the fact that becoming true to yourself and what you stand for can o...
There’s so much talk about intuition and how it’s invaluable in helping people make the best decisions for themselves. But how and where do we begin using intuition? What does it even look or feel like?
Heather Alice Shea is an Intuitive Life Trainer and Business Development Mentor, and the founder of and CEO of Atmana Academy, the world’s first research supported Intuitive Life Coach Certification and Business Development Company that formally integrates intuition into the coaching process.
Today, she’s on the podcast to talk about becoming an intuitive, and how being one can help us live lives that are aligned to who we are really called to be.
This conversation with Heather is so fun and enlightening, and I’d love for you to join us as we talk about:
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