There are 2 different kinds of stories; There’s the real story of what you really want to get out into the world…. then there’s another story that’s holding you back.
This 2nd story is the one that plays in your head and plays dirty tricks on you. It tells you things in order to hold you back and keep you from sharing the first story….. the one that matters.
The story that’s playing in your head is background noise and sometimes it gets really, really loud.
Do you know what I’m talking about?
That story usually sounds something like this:
“What will others think?”
“My story isn’t good enough”
“Nobody will listen”
“My story is boring”
“It’s a jumbled up mess in my head, I wouldn’t even know where to begin”
“People will think I’m trying to brag or get attention”
“If I tell the real story, it will reveal all of my imperfections”
Do any of these sound familiar?
Are some o...
I believe there are prompts all around us. I’ve talk about it often — how being aware of your surroundings can produce the most amazing stories for you to share.
But if you are not in the habit of paying that close attention…. here's an easier trick you can try.
Most people have a creative side to them… even if they don’t realize it. And there is a way that stories speak to you.
For example, you may not be a talented artist but you really enjoy going to art museums or collecting unique sculptures.
You may not know how to play any musical instruments, but you really have a passion for music and you can recite the lyrics to every 80’s band song, or every rock n roll legend’s entire index of music.
You may not be a great writer, but you are a voracious reader— and you love a good fiction book.
Think more about your creative passion — which avenues o...
There is a Key ingredient of storytelling we need to talk about. Emotion.
If you want to use your story to build your business, your brand, your influence, or have a greater impact … you’ve got to do one thing: Make people feel something!
Stories that make us feel something, make us take action with our money!!
Yet all too often, we leave this piece of the puzzle out …. and then wonder why our stories aren’t connecting with our audience.Â
You have to use emotional language to spark a feeling….to get your audience to sit up in their chair and take notice.
We can add emotion into our stories in a variety of ways.
VIDEO — Video is one of the most powerful tools of visual storytelling because you can add in so many subliminal elements like music and graphics that aid in the story telling.
PICTURES — You can capture so much emotion and storytelling in...
It's #TransformationalTuesday, and I am sharing a piece of inspirational wisdom…. because I think we all need it from time to time.
I can’t take credit for this one; this story was shared with me by a spiritual teacher, Maru Iabichela, who teaches all about the power of our own minds to create all that which we desire.
She shared a story of a group of farmers who were praying over their land that had suffered a tragic drought. The entire community was at risk because the land was no longer bearing crops — barren, desolate, and parched.
A group of spiritual leaders gathered to pray, when one of the farmers asked why were they not praying for rain.
To which they replied — "You don’t need to pray for rain, you need to pray for green pastures."Â
When we are experiencing a drought in our own life, we often make the mistake of praying for rain…. rather than focusing o...
I listened to an awesome podcast yesterday that has me still thinking about all of the wisdom nuggets that were shared, and especially how they relate to business owners and how they show up for their audience.
The podcast was Jen Lehner’s The Front Row Podcast for Entrepreneurs
and she was interviewing Seth Godin all about his newest book called This Is Marketing.
Let me tell you why I loved it so much.
As business owners, or anyone who has a message they want to get out into the world — authors, healers, coaches, entrepreneurs, network marketers… the list goes one — I think we can all agree that trying to figure out the best way to share your message and engage with your audience is something that can keep you up at night.
Let’s face it — we’ve got all the Guru’s in our industry telling us to do it one way…. we’ve got FB Ads in our newsfeeds daily ...
We are going back to the basics today and focusing on a writing prompt to help you identify and share a piece of your own story. #storytelling101
Storytelling is a powerful way to communicate with your audience and draw them into your world — it helps you share your own journey in a way that will resonate and be relatable. This is why storytelling is so valuable as a tool for communication, building your business, expanding your reach & impact.
So take the prompt I’m about to share with you and really dive into it — find the story you can use to share with your audience and create a connection with them.
Write about something that is messy in your life.
It's up to you if you want to take this the literal or figurative route.
The point is to use the idea of the story prompt — in this case something that is messy in your life — and create a connection point ...
Just before my first child was born, my husband and I were shopping for a new house. We had just moved to a new town, and knew we needed to look for a home that was going to be suitable for raising a family.
We looked at a lot of houses….. week after week, our agent would set up appointments and we traveled all over town looking for something that ticked all of our boxes.
We had a certain number of bedrooms we wanted.
We had a price range.
We had school districts to consider
We wanted to be close to my husband’s work.
Each of the items on our wish list were easily searchable in the local MLS — and each week, our realtor showed us houses that ticked off all of our required boxes —
One day, after exhausting our search, she says to me, “You know what? We’re just going to drive around and you tell me when you see a house you like.” This was a different approach th...
Listen up close today friends because I have a good one for you.
This thing I’m about to share with you is the number one secret weapon to great storytelling and building connection with your audience.
 It’s the most underused trick yet every single one of us is fully capable of using it….
Any ideas what I’m talking about?
Listening. Yes…. listening.
If you look at some of the best storytellers of our time, they all use this skill with expert precision. Oprah, is someone who demonstrates this ability. Watch one of her interviews on her Super Soul Sunday series…. and pay attention to how intently she listens to her guests. You can visibly see her listening with her entire body. Her eyes are fixated on her guest. Her body leans in, her entire demeanor is engaged in the listening process.
And, this is why she is such a brilliant interviewer and journalist because she...
There’s an aspect of storytelling I want to focus on to help you really hone in on a specific area of your story you shouldn't overlook…. your Transformation.Â
In telling your story, I suggest you follow this simple formula: Start with your Before (which is some sort of historical context that sets the stage for your story), then you work your way to and through the Transformation, which explains a big shift/ a change/ an 360 in perspective, and then you end with the Other Side, which is where you figure out the lessons you learned in the process and the message you want to share with others.
Most people are pretty good at the Before and After part…. but it’s the Transformation piece they leave out.Â
The reason why your transformation is so important is because other people are desperately seeking it.Â
I was listening to James Wedmore’s Mind Your Business podcast this weeke...
So far this week, we’ve talked about how to humanize your brand, how to bridge the gap between you and your audience, how to use your story to establish you as the expert, and how to engage in conversation with your audience.
The FINAL tip I have for you to be Consistent. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT tip and goes at the very tippy top of the list, because consistency wins the game every time — yet so many people — suck at it! I say this with love.Â
They’ll show up with their message here and there, but there’s no real long-term strategy and intention behind being consistent.
Here’s why being consistent is so important to helping you build Community: Over time, showing up builds trust. Your audience will see you as someone who is reliable and consistent. When you engage with them, they feel your presence. People just want to feel like they are being seen & heard, and they want ...
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